Partnerclub Projekt in Kambodscha

Freitag, 20. September 2013

Rot. Sven Hofmann, RC Berlin Gedächtniskirche

Zusammen mit unseren Partnerclubs Berlin-Gedächtniskirche und Paris-Concorde haben wir das Kinderheim FLOW im Projekt "Improving Art Program for generating income to support FLO operation" unterstützt.



Zusammen mit unseren Partnerclubs Berlin-Gedächtniskirche und Paris-Concorde haben wir das Kinderheim FLOW im Projekt "Improving Art Program for generating income to support FLO operation" unterstützt.



Apart from shelter, accommodation, and food, FLOW also sends children to public schools for general education. Of the above mentioned number of kids, 98 attend Primary School and 145 attend Secondary and upper schools.


English Class of FLOW
English Class of FLOW
Additional instruction in computers
Additional instruction in computers

Within FLOW, they are offered additional instruction in computers, English language, arts, drawing and handicrafts. These skills are very important to the kids as they instill confidence and open many doors to future career opportunities. Furthermore, these activities provide them with a cultural education that bonds them to their rich Khmer heritage.


Once each child has reached the age of 18, we work closely with these young adults to ensure a successful transition from the protective walls of FLOW to the outside world. It is our ultimate goal that each child will leave FLOW in good emotional health with the capacity for self-sufficiency. This allows us to take in even more children in need.


US$ 15'000.00


